Super OZ Shareware: Games
SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso
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Manual for Dunjin ver 4.3
copyright (c) 1991,1992 by Magnus Olsson.
All rights reserved.
1 What is Dunjin?
1.1 Scenario
1.2 How to play
2 Copyright, copying, registration
2.1 Getting a complete copy
2.2 How to register
2.3 Why register?
2.4 What happens if you don't register?
3 Installation
3.1 Contents of distribution archive
3.2 System requirements
3.3 Installing Dunjin
3.4 Starting Dunjin
3.6 Installation on floppy
4 Playing
4.1 The basics
4.1.1 Starting the program
4.1.2 Entering commands What commands look like "It" The command line editor
4.2 Some Common Commands
4.2.1 Getting around the cave Movement "Look"
4.2.2 Objects "Take", "drop" "Inventory" "Examine"
4.2.3 Creatures
4.2.4 Administrative commands "Save", "restore", "restart" "Brief", "Verbose" "Score" "Quit" "Help" and "hint"
4.3 What to do if stuck
4.3.1 Some general hints Mapping Mazes Examine everything!
4.3.2 The hint facility
4.3.3 Asking the author
5 Some trivia - in Q&A form.
6 Acknowledgements
7 Disclaimers
= * = * = * = * = * = * =
1 What is Dunjin?
Dunjin (pronounced like "dungeon") is short for "The Dungeons
of Dunjin" - a text adventure game in the tradition of the
classic ADVENT and Zork games. (The user interface should be
familiar to anyone who has played Zork or another Infocom
game). Like in these games, the program provides you with a
"simulated universe" - a small world with its own laws and
logic, which you can move about in and manipulate in various
The game contains more than 180 different locations and
several hundred objects.
1.1 Scenario
In your quest for the Holy Grail you have found an obscure
reference to the forgotten kingdom of Dunjin. You've never
heard of this kingdom before - however, you _have_ heard of a
famous tourist attraction, the Dungeons of Dunjin.
At the start of the game, you will find yourself in a forest,
looking for the entrance to the Dungeon of Dunjin. Your
objective is to enter and explore the Dungeon, ultimately to
find the Holy Grail. Many obstacles will be in your way, and
you'll have to face many dangers, all of which you'll have to
overcome with your wit alone (and possibly some information
and objects you'll pick up on your way).
1.2 How to play
Like in other adventure games, you play by giving commands in
(an approximation of) natural English to the program. Typical
commands could be "take the sword", "examine it", "go to the
north", "look inside the box". The program will describe your
immediate surroundings, and the consequences of your actions.
Scattered throughout the dungeon are various objects which
you may pick up and carry with you. Some of these are worth-
less, while others are valuable treasures and others have no
intrinsic value but may prove useful as tools. One of the
problems facing you is to find out which of the objects
actually are useful, and how to use them.
You may also meet people, animals, monsters and supernatural
beings inside the dungeon. Some of these are friendly while
others are dangerous enemies.
The object of the game is to find the Holy Grail (don't worry
if you've never seen one before - you'll know it when you
find it) and bring it to the adventure office. On your way,
you'll face many dangers - the grail is not only hidden, but
also well guarded.
You will get points for overcoming the various obstacles. In
addition, you will get a 10 point bonus for each treasure you
bring to the office and hand over to the clerk (you'll have
to find out for yourself how to do this).
The maximum score is 350. Don't despair if your score seems
to be stuck far below that value - the game is large!
2 Copyright, copying, registration
This program and this documentation are copyright (c)
1991,1992 by Magnus Olsson. All rights reserved.
Dunjin is distributed as shareware.
If you like this program you are expected to register your
copy by sending US $20 or the exchange equivalent to the
author or his agent(s). Registered users are entitled to a
certain amount of help from the author in case they get
stuck. See below for details.
You're under no legal obligation to pay, just a moral one. If
you do not think that it's worth $20, please don't use this
program, but give your copy away.
Whether you register or not, you are allowed to make as many
copies as you like of this program, give it away to friends,
upload it to BBS's and FTP sites, put it on readable network
partitions, etc, provided the following conditions are met:
a) All the files mentioned in the "contents" list below must
be distributed together, in the form of a Zip archive file,
or an archive file produced by a similar archiving program
(you may re-pack the archive using another archive program,
as long as none of the constituent files are modified or
deleted from the archive).
b) None of the files may be modified in any way whatsoever.
No file may be deleted from or added to the archive.
c) The program or documentation may not be sold or leased for
profit without the prior written consent of the author. No
fee of any kind may be charged for the distribution, with the
single exception for a reasonable fee to cover the costs of
the distribution.
2.1 Getting a complete copy
If you have received an incomplete copy of this program, for
example one where the documentation file is missing, you may
get the latest version of the complete distribution from the
following sources:
Modem download or FidoNet FReq from
The Coffee Club BBS
(US phone # (301) 353-9315, FidoNet node 109/426.0)
(Bark or Wazoo FReq using the magic name DUNJIN)
Anonymous FTP from
leif.thep.lu.se [].
When registering, you may order Dunjin on diskette by mail
order from the author or his agent (see below under "How to
register"). An extra $5 will be charged to cover copying
2.2 How to register
To register as a Dunjin user, please send US $20 or the ex-
change equivalent to
Magnus Olsson
Sölvegatan 14 A
S-223 62 LUND
(email: magnus@thep.lu.se, thepmo@seldc52.bitnet)
or to the sysop of The Coffee Club BBS:
Jerry Andrews,
140 University Street,
Menlo Park, CA 94025,
(email: Jerry.Andrews@f426.n109.z1.FidoNet.org)
Especially American users are requested to use this address.
If you want a Dunjin disk, please add $5 to the above amount
to cover the costs of copying and postage.
When sending money to the author's address, please use either
an international money order or a cheque drawn on a Swedish
bank. Swedish banks charge large fees for cashing foreign
cheques, and don't accept non-Swedish personal cheques at
all. Users in some European countries will probably find it
most convenient to transfer the amount directly to the
author's Postal Giro account, Stockholm 475 78 21-6.
Similar considerations apply when sending the registration
fee to Jerry Andrews.
2.3 Why register?
Registering is a way of encouraging me, the author, to write
more nice software for your enjoyment, and to fix any minor
lingering bugs in Dunjin. If sufficiently many people regis-
ter, I may even find the time to write a sequel...
Also, if and only if you register, you'll get the option of
ask me for help if you get stuck on a problem. Requests for
help from unregistered users (unless they are to report a
genuine bug of the program) will _not_ be answered. (See
below for more details).
2.4 What happens if you don't register?
Apart from the fact that your conscience will haunt you for
the rest of your life and that you'll probably be eaten by a
grue some dark night, nothing at all will happen.
You won't be sued. The police will not harass your family.
Your computer won't be confiscated by the Secret Service, nor
will you be arrested, summarily sentenced and shot at day-
break. You won't even get any hate mail.
3 Installation
3.1 Contents of distribution archive
The distribution archive should contain the following files:
* READ.ME - read this before starting!
DUNJIN.COM - the program
DUNJIN.000 - overlay files used by Dunjin
DUNJIN.100 - data files used by Dunjin
DUNJIN.HLP - command summary (used when you type 'help'
inside Dunjin)
DUNJIN.CNF - configuration file, created by DUNCONF.COM
* DUNCONF.COM - the configuration program (see below)
* DUNJIN.DOC - this file
(Files marked with * are not necessary to run the program)
3.2 System requirements
Dunjin requires an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible, with
at least 512 KB of RAM, one floppy or hard disk drive,
running DOS 2.1 or later.
The program has been tested under many versions of MS and PC
DOS, from 2.1 up to 5.0 inclusive.
3.3 Installing Dunjin
To install Dunjin on a floppy disk, just copy the Dunjin
files to an empty diskette. This disk must always be present
in the drive when you're running Dunjin, since the program
will read from the disk during a game.
To install Dunjin on a hard disk, you should create a new
directory, for example by doing "md c:\dunjin" (the quotes
aren't part of the command and shouldn't be typed) at the DOS
prompt. Then copy all the Dunjin files to this directory. You
may want to consult your DOS manual about directories and
paths before doing this.
If you're having problems with disk space, you may delete the
files marked with an asterisk (*) in the file list above.
In case you're only interested in is getting Dunjin up and
running as fast as possible (and who isn't when they get a
new program?), you can (temporarily) skip the following para-
graphs and go directly to "Starting Dunjin" below.
Otherwise, you should decide where you want save files.
Normally, they're put in the same directory as the rest of
the files, but this may make it too cluttered for your taste.
If the disk is write protected (for example if it's a network
partition) you must put them on another disk. If you're using
a dual-floppy system with no hard disk, you'll probably want
to put the program files on one drive and save files on
another one.
Then run DUNCONF.COM (just type "dunconf" at the DOS prompt)
and follow the instructions. Dunconf lets you change the
place where save files are put, and other things such as the
screen colours. You might want to consult your DOS manual
about "paths" before running Dunconf.
3.4 Starting Dunjin
To start the Dunjin program, just make the Dunjin disk and
directory the current disk and directory (in the example
above, just type "c:" followed by "cd \dunjin" at the DOS
Then type "dunjin". This should start the program.
If the program crashes with an error message, it's probably
a) It can't find one or more of the required files. Maybe
you're in the wrong directory?
b) It's run out of memory. Try removing TSR utilities and
device drivers from memory (if you don't know how to do this,
ask your local guru). If it still doesn't work, check your
system against the "System requirements" listed above.
If it _still_ doesn't work, you may have received a corrupted
copy of the program.
The program DUNCONF.COM can be used to change things like the
screen colours. To run it, just type "dunconf" at the DOS
prompt and follow the instructions. Dunconf will write the
settings to the file DUNJIN.CNF which must be present in the
same directory as the rest of the Dunjin files.
Dunconf can be used to change the following settings:
o Screen colours (any colour combination can be chosen).
o The command prompt - the prompt used by Dunjin when
expecting input from you. The default is "".
o Where to put saved games. Normally, save files are put in
the current directory. With Dunconf, you can specify any
disk and/or path here you want the files to be put instead.
o Line editor defaults - whether the editor (see below)
should start in insert or overstrike mode. The default is
insert mode.
o Hints on/off - whether the hint facility (see below)
should be enabled or disabled. The default is to have it
Dunconf writes the settings to a file called DUNJIN.CNF. This
file is read by Dunjin during startup.
4 Playing
4.1 The basics
4.1.1 Starting the program
To start the program, just type "dunjin" at the command
prompt. If you have saved a game earlier, you may give the
name of the save file as a parameter to the program (if the
file is named MYFILE.DUN, you should give the command as
"dunjin myfile"). It will then start by loading this file.
Note that all the program, overlay and database files must be
present in the current directory so the program can find
4.1.2 Entering commands What commands look like
You enter commands in the form of simple English sentences.
Usually, the simpler your command is, the better. The parser
(the part of the program that tries to understand your com-
mands) is not very smart, and may be confused by complicated
Most commands consist of a verb and a direct object, like
"take the sword", "ring the bell", "examine the key". The
definite article "the" may be safely omitted; you may thus
say just "take key" instead of "take the key".
Some verbs take two objects, like "unlock the door with the
key", and others don't take any objects at all.
If there is there are, say, more than one key present,
you'll have to use some adjective to distinguish between
them, or the program will ask which key you mean.
Sometimes, the parser will not be able to figure out what you
mean. In most cases, the program will then tell you that it
didn't understand. In some exceptional cases, the program
will misunderstand you completely.
In both these cases, the best advice for you is to refor-
mulate your command in simpler terms, or possibly by using
different words. A rather silly example would be if you
wanted to unlock a door, and tried to do this by saying "Put
the key in the keyhole", which the program doesn't under-
stand. Instead, you should say simply "unlock the door with
the key".
Note: case is not significant, i.e., you may mix UPPER and
lower case LeTtERs at will. "It"
The parser has some sense for the meaning of the word "it".
Usually, this means the last object referenced to by you; for
example, if you give the command "Take the letter", you may
then say "read it" and the program will understand that by
"it" you mean the letter.
Sometimes, the parser is confused, though, and thinks you
mean something different than you actually meant. To avoid
misunderstandings, the program will always tell you what it
thought you meant, like 'By "it", I suppose you mean the
letter'. The command line editor
To simplify the entry of commands, Dunjin has a command line
editor, rather like the one in Dosedit, DOS 5.0's doskey, or
tcsh under Unix.
When you're entering a command, you may move the cursor
within the line with the left and right arrow keys. The
letters you type are always entered at the cursor. If you
keep CTRL pressed at the same time, the cursor will move one
word at a time. Home and End moves the cursor to the begin-
ning and the end of the line, respectively.
You may delete characters with the Del and Backspace keys,
while the Insert key takes you between the insert and over-
strike modes. Esc clears the entire line.
The editor saves previous commands in a buffer. By repeatedly
pressing the up arrow key, you may recall earlier commands,
while down arrow moves in the other direction. The recalled
commands may be edited, which makes it easy to correct spel-
ling errors even after you've committed them.
If all this seems complicated, just try it - it's much
simpler than it sounds.
Macro keys
To simplify things even further, some keys have been program-
med with commonly used commands.
F1 will do the same thing as typing 'look'
F2 = 'inventory',
F8 = 'save',
F9 = 'load' and
F10 = 'files'
(see below for what these commands do).
4.2 Some Common Commands
Below is a summary of some of the more common commands under-
stood by Dunjin. Note that this is just intended to get you
started; Dunjin understands lots of other verbs - it's part
of the game to find out exactly what it can do...
4.2.1 Getting around the cave Movement
To move in any of the directions north, south, east, west, up
or down, just type the direction in which you want to go.
Directions may be abbreviated to the first letter, so typing
either "north" or "n" will move you to the north.
Note that there is no way of moving in intermediate direc-
tions like northeast or southwest.
Usually, it will be obvious in which directions you may move.
Note, however, that hidden doors are not uncommon in
Also note that cave passages may be long, twisting tunnels -
the fact that you exited one room going north doesn't neces-
sarily mean that you'll enter the next one from the south! "Look"
Typing just "look" will give you a description of your imme-
diate surroundings (the same as you got when you first en-
tered that particular location).
If you want to examine some specific thing, you may use
"look" with an object, like "look at the key" and "look under
the bed".
Since "look" is such a commonly used command, you may abbre-
viate it to just a single letter "l". You may also use the F1
function key.
4.2.2 Objects
Inside the dungeon (and outside it too) are lots of different
objects. Some of these are obviously valuable (like diamonds)
or useful (like keys), while others are of more dubious
utility and some are totally useless.
Some objects are lying in full view (maybe some careless
adventurer has just dropped them on the ground), while others
are hidden. You must always look carefully in all possible
hiding places so you don't miss anything important. "Take", "drop"
When you find an objects that you think you may need, you can
pick it up. To take, say, a diamond, you type "take the
diamond". You may use "get" as a synonym for "take".
To drop the diamond again, type "drop diamond".
You may also give the commands "take all" (that will try to
pick up all movable objects you can see) and "drop all"
(which will of course drop all that you're carrying).
Note: You may not carry more than 18 different objects at any
time. "Inventory"
To see what you're carrying, type "inventory". This verb may
be abbreviated as "invent" or just "i". You may also press
the F2 function key. "Examine"
It is recommended that you take a closer look at the objects
you find - things aren't always what they seem to be. You can
do that by typing "look at the key", or "examine the key".
The verb "examine" can be abbreviated as "x".
4.2.3 Creatures
In this game, you may meet other people, animals and even
mythological beasts. You may want to talk to them with the
"say" command, like "say hello".
IMPORTANT: This is one of the instances where it's easy to
fool the parser. The program won't understand you properly if
you for example give the command "say hello to guard" -
instead, you should just type "say hello" and let the program
figure out to whom you're saying it (it will always be clear
from the context, trust me).
4.2.4 Administrative commands
This section contains some "metacommands" that don't
influence the game itself, but are useful for controlling the
program. "Save", "restore", "restart"
At any point in the game, you may save the current position
to a file. This is done by the "save" command, or by pressing
F8. The program will prompt for a file name.
You can then use the "restore" or "load" command (or press
F9) to load the position from disk. Again, you'll be prompted
for a filename. Provided the file exists, everything will be
restored to the state it was in when you saved the position.
This is of course very useful if you want to interrupt the
game, witch off the computer and come back later (even though
the game is fascinating, you may want to do things like eat,
sleep, work or perform various bodily functions).
It is also recommended that you save your game before
attempting something potentially dangerous, like go swimming
in a river full of crocodiles. If you should fail (and,
believe me, such things do happen in adventure games), you
can always restore the game to the previous position. Whether
this should be considered cheating is a matter of taste.
The command "restart" is used to restart the game from the
beginning, if things should go completely wrong.
Save files and their names
Like any other file, a save file has a name of up to eight
characters. Dunjin will always add the extension ".DUN" to
the filename, whether you specify it or not. There is (for
safety reasons) no way of overriding this.
Save files will normally be put in the same directory as the
rest of the Dunjin files. By using the Dunconf program you
may specify that they should be put somewhere else. This
choice can always be overridden by specifying a path and a
drive letter with the filename. For example, specifying
"b:\save\myfile" will always save the game as a file called
"myfile.dun" in the directory "\save" on disk b:. (If you
didn't understand that last part, never mind, you probably
won't need that feature).
Listing files (Wildcards, FILES)
When the "save" or "restore" commands prompt you for a file,
you may specify a filename that contains wildcard characters
('?' and '*'). You will then get a list of all save files
that match the specification, and then be prompted again for
a filename. The extension .DUN is always implied. If you
specify another extension, it will be changed to .DUN.
For example, specifying the filename "foo*" will give you a
list of all save files whose names start with "foo" (basical-
ly the same list as that produced by the DOS command "dir
Giving the command "files" (or pressing F10) will list all
save files. "Brief", "Verbose"
The first time you enter a location, you will get a descrip-
tion of what you see. Normally, the program will assume that
you'll remember this, so the next time you enter the same
location, you'll only get a short message like "You're in the
kitchen". To get the full description again, type "look".
If you prefer always to get the full description every time
you move, you can tell the program your preferences by the
command "verbose". The command "brief" will take you back to
getting just short descriptions. "Score"
The command "score" will print out your current score. Note
that this score will not include the bonus for any treasure
you've found - to get the bonus, you must present the trea-
sures at the adventure office (just outside the entrance). "Quit"
The command "quit" is used to exit the program and get back
to DOS. "Help" and "hint"
These two commands sound similar, but are actually quite
different. "Help" gives you a short summary of the most
common commands, while "hint" enters the hint facility (se
4.3 What to do if stuck
This game contains some quite difficult puzzles. Sooner or
later, you will come to a point where you feel that you're
stuck and that you've exhausted your possibilities (if you're
able to solve the game in one session, at least I wouldn't
hesitate to call you a genius at adventure games).
In such a case, a some good advice is to let it rest. If you
have some more exploring to do in another part of the cave,
then do it - you may find a new angle of attack, or perhaps
some useful object, or a way of circumventing the problem.
Otherwise, it may be a good idea to call it a day and try
again later - in my experience, you can only solve so many
problems in a session.
4.3.1 Some general hints Mapping
Generally, it's important to draw a map as you move about -
cave passages are notoriously twisting, and some parts of the
dungeon can be quite confusing! Often, but not always, it is
possible to keep he map inside your head, as it were, but
there's always a risk of missing something important that
way! Mazes
The dungeon contains some quite nasty mazes. If you should
find yourself lost inside one, the number one rule is: DON'T
To enable you to make a map of the maze, you should drop
things on the floor. That will make it possible to tell the
rooms apart. Examine everything!
One very good piece of advice is that you should examine
everything - things aren't always what they seem. Make it a
rule to examine every object you find, however ordinary it
may seem, and to look under furniture, behind curtains, etc.
4.3.2 The hint facility
In case you're totally stuck, the program has a built-in hint
facility. This feature is by default disabled (we mustn't
make it too easy for you, must we?). To enable it, run the
Dunconf program (see above).
Getting a hint (provided there is an applicable hint
available) will deduct 10 points from your score.
4.3.3 Asking the author
As a last resort, _registered_ users may ask the author for
help. In that case, send a letter or an electronic mail
message and state your problem.
Email is greatly preferred - if you must use ordinary mail,
please enclose return postage or an international reply
coupon. Phone calls are definitely _not_ welcome.
Note that this service is available for _registered_ users
5 Some trivia - in Q&A form.
Q: Why is it called Dunjin? Does it mean anything?
A: No, Dunjin doesn't mean anything in particular; it's sort
of a pormanteau word formed from "dungeon" + "djinn".
Q: Is there a version for the Macintosh (Amiga, Atari, ZX 80,
A: A Macintosh version is planned and will probably be
released during December. No other ports are currently
Q: In what language is Dunjin written?
A: Turbo Pascal 3.0, with some assembler routines thrown in
for speed.
Q: Why on earth did you use that bagbiting language, and not
C (or Basic, Ada, Lisp, Fortran, Modula,...)? And if you had
to use Pascal, why not use a newer version?
A: Because when I started to write the program, TP 3.0 was
the only compiler available to me. The alternative would have
been to write it in GWBasic (yecch!). The program quickly
grew so compiler-dependent that converting to a newer and
better version would have meant rewriting a largish amount of
code, which I was too lazy to do.
This doesn't mean that I wouldn't use a different language if
I were to start from the beginning today - in fact, I'd
definitely use an object-oriented language, probably C++.
Q: Why not use a special adventure-writing language, like
A: None of the adventure writing packages I've examined are
powerful enought for writing a large game. Advsys is quite
nice, but still a toy.
Q: How many lines of source code is there?
A: Together with the support programs, more than 7000 lines.
Q: How can I get a copy of the source to play around with?
A: You can't.
Q: Why?
A: Because it's so ugly and full of hacks that I don't want
it to be widely known. Also, I don't want any hacked copies
floating around...
Q: But I'd like to port it to my Amiga (Atari, Sun, VAX,
A: In that case, I might give you a copy of the source code.
Please contact me for details.
Q: How long did it take to write Dunjin?
A: I first got inspired in 1984, when I found the source code
of ADVENT on the ND-100 where I was doing some coursework at
the time (unfortunately, the machine was too small to compile
and run it). I thought a lot about writing my own adventure
game, but didn't have access to any big enough machine (I
wrote an extremely small one in 10K on my Acorn Atom).
I started writing Dunjin in early 1986, when I had bought a
PC compatible. Most of the game was outlined a year later
(version 2.1). Several friends playtested it and suggested
lots of changes and additions. I got to the point of publi-
shing then (thought it was only a matter of polishing off a
few details), but didn't have the energy.
Dunjin was then lying dormant on a floppy for quite some
time. Every now and then I would work a little on it, add a
few features, remove a few bugs, and so on.
Then catastrophe struck: I accidentally deleted the clear
text of the database - only the encoded version was left.
Only several months later did I dare do anything about it. It
proved surprisingly easy to reconstruct everything by deco-
ding the data file.
In early 1990, version 3.0 was finished. I began toying with
the idea of publishing it on Usenet, but first I needed to
iron out all the bugs. This was done (I thought) in March
1991, when I asked some people to do a final, short beta test
- or so I thought.
It quickly turned out that the program had _lots_ of mis-
features, warts and outright bugs. The entire parser was
rewritten from scratch in version 4.0. Lots of new problems
were added, and old ones rewritten. Eight months, and several
thousand lines of code, later, it's finally (?) finished.
Q: Will there be any more adventure games from the same
A: Well, possibly. I've started thinking about another one,
tentatively called WOMBAT (for Waste Of Money, Brains And
Time), but I'm not quite certain when and how I'll find the
time to write it.
Q: And, finally, who on Earth is Tom A. Crona? Am I supposed
to know this guy?
A: Tom A. Crona is sort of an internal joke - sort of a
signature used by me as a teenage hacker. The name is an
anagram of "Acorn Atom" - a British, 6502 based hobby com-
puter from the early eighties, which it was my pleasure to
own in high school.
6 Acknowledgements
I'd like to thank the following people:
Fredrik Kilander,
Göran Sandberg,
Jerry Andrews,
Saari Anssi,
Staffan Skogvall
for their invaluable contributions to Dunjin. Without their
criticism, suggestions and bug reports, Dunjin would have
been a rather different (and much less interesting) game.
The following test players have also provided valuable com-
ments: Anders Robertsson, Ashwin Hirschi, Duke McMullan,
Gudmundir B. Josepsson, Sigurgeir Jónsson and Sixten Borg.
Thanks to all of you!
Thanks also to Peter Forsberg for providing the first inspi-
ration by making his ADVENT sources world readable on the old
CAESAR system.
7 Disclaimers
Dunjin is believed to be a correct and well-behaved program.
It has been tested and found to work on several different
computers, running different DOS versions.
This program is delivered as is, without any warranty, ex-
pressed or implied. The author does not accept any responsi-
bility whatsoever for any loss or damage caused by any inten-
tional or unintentional use or misuse of this software.
All characters and events depicted in this game are entirely
fictional. Any similarities with real people, places, names
or events are entirely unintentional and coincidental.
No special measures have been taken to make this game politi-
cally, religiously or philosophically "correct".
Small children and very sensitive and/or neurotic adults may
conceivably take offense to some of its features. However,
the game was written with the sole purpose of entertainment,
and not to be offensive. The world depicted is a fairy tale
world, and does not necessarily reflect the author's views of
the real world.
Actions and events happening in the game are _not_ meant to
set any kind of example for actions in the real world.